Art In Argentina

There are many ways we diversify.
And this past year has certainly been one of revolutions for me. The crazy thing is to learn a language. To live with that language. To breath beneath the same circumstances. I came here to Argentina in a somewhat interesting moment of flux and transition. Señor Macri had taken office only days before i arrived. Since then I have seen some appalling, yet not unimaginable, uses of his newly acquired power. The last report I heard was that some 35,000 people employed by the state, had lost their jobs in the last 4 weeks, over Christmas in fact. Thirty-five thousand, and that doesn't include all those newly sacked from the private sector. He also got rid of the blue-market (modifying the peso from 9 pesos/1USD to between 13 and 16, and while superficially this might seem a good thing, it was designed to only help one type of person in Argentina....the money people. Historically these are the cronies that instigated the military coup in the 70's. The whole population now encounters expenses up to 40% higher, with no change in salary. There has also been military violence. Only rubber bullets mind you. There are some pretty graphic pictures circulating the only semi-liberated source of media...Facebook. If you are interested I can pass them on.
But life, life is....normal. We go out, we dance, we drink, we eat al fresco on the terrace. We walk the ornate, leafy streets in the afternoon, admiring the tranquility and the colour the sun has turned everything. In fact, I am well. So peaceful. I've been trying to put my finger on it, whether this reign of clear mindedness comes from within or without. There is a warmth here, in the people, in the audiences. I know you would love it.
There is the breadth of imagination. And I can't tell you how important is has been, me, an obscure experimental artist and musician, to come here and be financially skinny. I had a moment, at least a few, where I berated myself for being so ill-prepared. What the hell was I doing, coming here? But this was the handle of the door to becoming a person, in this world. No cushion, no safety net, no sugar-daddy government. Just me...a guitar...a voice...a smile. This is the moment I joined humanity (I'm sure there have been several of these moments.) But to share in a struggle. To stare my privilege in the face. To hit realities. To find my edges, my zones of comfort, my lines, my form...and how I can learn to let that form, trans-form. Give way to a grace and a gentleness of being.
I've been working on an ad-hoc recording for you all, as a new year gift to those who I journey with. But I'm turning into a startling sadly you may have to wait a few more weeks. I have met some very exciting artists and musicians, Argentina is hungry for experimentation. It wants to traverse horizons, I am hopeful for the times ahead.