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Tree Planting Committment

With the release of "To Eat The Sun" in 2019, I partnered with TreeSisters. This organisation is unique, in that it grounds itself in a gift economy of meditations whilst encouraging members to donate to the trees. Using the tour as a fundraising platform I raised $2000AUD to go towards this wonderful organisation that partners with Indigenous communities and focuses on restoring forests in tropical zones around the world. 


In 2020 I am looking at more long term ways I can continue to contribute to restoring this earth through my music. I will have a focus on Australia, especially since we have just undergone so much devastation and loss of habitat. The restoration movement needs to be slow, well-considered and dedicated. I am staking out my deep and vested interest to commit my music to being a part of that. 


If you buy my album, you can rest assured that profits from the sale will be going towards tree planting in Australia and around the world. 


To find out more about TreeSisters click on this link! 






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